It’s no secret that I love a good art challenge! There’s so many awesome challenges out there, and so little time, so sometimes it can be tough to choose which to try.
Since I began sharing my art online in december 2020, I’ve managed to participate in challenges such as MerMay, Funguary, Game of shrooms, and I’ve even hosted a few DTIYS.
I now invite you to check these challenges out. Enjoy❤
🌊MerMay 2022 promptlist!🌊
MerMay is an art challenge that goes on in may, where you create art pieces with mermaids.
I created a promptlist for the challenge, and I had so much fun with it!
If you use this promptlist please tag me and use #ArtistonrocksMerMay2022
so that I can share your wonderful art❤
I absolutely loved my mermaid from day 01 of MerMay (with the prompt “Card box”).
Actually so much that I decided to make a #drawthisinyourstyle challenge of her😅
Want to see what people created? Click this button!
Have a suggestion for an art challenge?
Do you have an idea for an art challenge? Or do you want me to join one?
Then I would be happy to hear from you!❤
You can reach out to me on my socials
or press this button