MerMay 2021
My prompt list for MerMay 2021
This was the first year I participated in this challenge. I was very excited and wanted to make my own promptlist.
I painted a rock for all 31 prompts (techniacally I painted 37 rocks total!)
If you like this prompt list, you can still use it! Just tag me on Instagram or facebook, if you decide to post it😉
My MerMay 2021 rocks
Here are all the rocks I painted for MerMay 2021 ❤
🌊MerMay 2022 promptlist!🌊
MerMay is an art challenge that goes on in may, where you create art pieces with mermaids.
I created a promptlist for the challenge, and I had so much fun with it!
If you use this promptlist please tag me and use #ArtistonrocksMerMay2022
so that I can share your wonderful art❤